And the world keeps turning... I am here today to speak on conditioning the one thing that makes us who we are. Do you ever wonder why you do the things you do or think the things you think or say the things you say?
Studies say we remain recognizably the same person throughout our lives, from early childhood to later in life. Also, I have heard many successful people say you are the same as the five people you hang around most. So, with that being said how do you let go of the conditioning that is happening to you everyday. Self awareness may be one solution.
Also, I think the first step is knowing your control on any given situation. Hopefully depending on your situation, you can control who you hang around. I know in some people's life they cannot control who they hang around. For example, and this is just one example a child who is dependent on the parent for everything cannot control the neighborhood they live in or control what they are exposed too. I know everyone has their own separate situations, but I do know at the end of the day we all have choices even when everything is set up for us a certain way.
Even as adults we are being conditioned especially when we want to be accepted, we start doing things the way our friends do it or the way we think everyone likes it , or the way it's more accepted by the general population this my friend is all a part of the process of conditioning.
I'll be the first to say I don't really understand why some people are just jerks and why some people choose to be really great people. But I say life is full of choices choices choices and that is the first thing I can say about people and the way we live. We are literally the result of the choices we have made. And that still may have a lot to do with our conditioning . Right now, I'm literally trying to understand why people push themselves into being something they just aren't. When you are conditioned, you can't ever be free, and that’s because conditioning keeps you trapped in something that you are not. Conditioning and who you are ,it's just not the same thing. Because if you are conditioned you are basically being subjected to a certain environment yet who you are is who you are with no judgement's ,statistics and with or without the environment. A child just starting off in the world is who they are. They laugh at what they think is funny to them and they feel sad about things that make them sad. If a beverage tastes good to them it's because they like it. When you are conditioned, you tend to do things that you think everyone likes or what is the most popular thing or what will make you be accepted.
I stand firm in saying try with all your might to let go of conditioning . I know I get it if everyday the sky is blue then you will assume and judge the sky is blue. If everyday your boyfriend is being a jerk you assume and judge that he is going to be a jerk. These are assumptions based off facts so they are not wrong to assume. But if you eat the same egg sandwich everyday don’t you get tired of eating eggs don’t you want something different ,something new???
So, I say all of that to say rewire your brain throw away the conditioning of this society and your friends and family, live a life that makes you truly live in a free state of mind. Trust in your journey through the world I think the first step is learning to trust yourself. What do you feel keeps you from being your true authentic self ? Leave a comment . And these are a few of my thoughts out loud 🎯
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