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Imitation of Life

 It’s funny the twists and turns of this thing called life.  I feel like we are all just here winging it and even when someone gives us a blueprint or sets it up for us it's still never easy.  I mainly think it's not easy because of all of things like the conditioning and the brainwashing that comes from society.  

Life is so fleeting and to think we worry almost our entire lives about love and money and some of us just worry about the basics or bare minimums a place to lay their head at night.  You know when I lived out of my car for a week one time, I never realized how much I took taking a shower for granted.  

I called this blog The Imitation of Life because it was the name of a movie my mother introduced to me! It’s about a mixed girl who could pass completely for white, but her father had disowned her, so she only had her black mother who looked after her. She hated her mother for being black but at the end of the movie when her mother dies, she had a complete meltdown on her open casket funeral. Before that if she saw her mother in the street, she would not even speak to her.  

Why am I talking about this movie or why is it even a thought because just the statement alone " Imitation of Life" shows us how caught up we are in the illusion of things:  someone’s color , what they wear , how they wear their hair, where they live , what they can and can’t pronounce , what they believe spiritually to be the truth , why they don’t eat this, why they don’t say it like the way you say it, why don’t they own a house , why they don’t have a car , why do they not talk a lot , why do they choose to be silent about something, why can’t they pay their bills on time like you do, why they don’t workout , why they decided to never go to college, why do they workout, y'all WHY anything ????

 How often do you find yourself imitating something that just isn’t who you really are. Do you ever sit and say who am I??? Probably not!  who questions this go with the flow super sensitive ass society we live in? Do we ever even really question manners to someone we don’t even know or better yet someone we do know. I literally just want to be softer!!! Not imitating Kim K or the BBL stripper! Not imitating balling out of control to prove to someone I have money, that will be 10 shots of Don Julio 1942 πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘. You can’t take a single thing with you not your body your money or all the hoes you claim to have! And for the people who commit their lives to being wholesome and good to your spouse and family you are an exceptional light to society. Not perfect but a light or are you??

I’m not saying you are perfection because our flaws are what make us human just don’t become cold don’t become numb out of routine, but it will become both if you are just an imitation of someone else’s life. 

It’s been a minute but I’ll be back soon with a thought but out loud ✌🏽


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