In the recent movie Blink Twice Channing Tatum's character Slater King said 'forgetting is a gift". This made me think a lot about all of the times men in my life and even to this day are s till playing this same card. It is a crazy perspective to have yet has this not been the male perspective for so long. Freaking Centuries! I'm talkin ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS Long!! My first example of this is when men cheat on their significant others how they are asked to forgive and forget!!! To be honest some women would rather forget and just sweep it under the rug and act like it doesn't happen to keep the peace, keep the money, or keep the status, or the one that really annoys me the most to appear and seem easy or cool. Fuck that! This type of behavior is a big way for men to lose respect for women in general. A lot of times we are so surprised at the way men treat us but sometimes when men have been given passes so much or allowed to disrespect women f...
Questions &; Answers we all think secretly that have been given a platform to think deeper and evolve.